Thursday, March 17, 2011


I feel like I'm shaming my Irish heritage today.  With the exception of wearing green, I have done nothing that would be considered traditional today.
I'm not going out drinking (it's a school night, and I'm old!) and I did not cook corned beef and cabbage, even though I love it.  I don't have a crock pot big enough to fit everything in and if I started when I got home from work, I wouldn't eat until 10 o'clock.  Basically, I'm not feeling very festive.  Maybe this weekend I'll get loaded and eat corned beef?  
Also, I have chosen a NO MORE SMOKING!!! deadline.  March 30th is it.  In the meantime, I've started trying to cut down to maybe make it a little easier when the time comes.  Of course this doesn't mean that I won't still be an awful bitch to be around for a while.  I wouldn't want anyone to get their hopes up.

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