Friday, March 4, 2011


I take competition very seriously.  It's not like I'm going to win a prize for blogging every day, but a challenge was presented, so I'm all in.  That being said, it's only day 4 and I am digging deep to find something to ramble on about.  If I'm flaming out now, you all are in for some serious garbage time for the next 27 days.
Now I know I'm going to lose some of you with the next sentence, but whatever.  I was telling Sassy last weekend that I finally stopped watching General Hospital* because it had gotten too ridiculous even for me (this is saying a lot).  James Franco's douchebaggery or not, I was done.  So now I just do what most crazy housewives in Texas do.  I read blogs about it to see just what kind of crap I'm missing.  And boy is there some serious crap.  Whether you watch or not, you must read this blog about GH.  It's hilarious, and the fact that a show that is this terrible is still on the air is mind-boggling.

* the only other person I know who even watched this crapfest was Heather.  She probably gave up too.

1 comment:

  1. I've been a bad Marcher! I haven't been watching GH, although I caught a few minutes of it yesterday and was just totally confused. Why is Brenda back?
