As previously mentioned, C and I went to big sis' house in RI this weekend. We arrived on Friday afternoon and immediately had some chowder. It's just about always the first thing I do once I cross the CT state line. It was delicious, like it always is. Once we got to Zuckerland North, we took a ride into Little Compton and picked up some things at the general store to supplement our dinner. See, big sis had gone to the butcher and picked up some ribeye steaks for dinner. Greatest welcome ever. So we had a delicious dinner of ribeyes with a caramelized onion and blue cheese sauce, creamed spinach, and roasted potatoes. And wine. Lots of wine. And fire!!

The next morning (after a healthy dose of Gatorade and Advil), it was game time. Seeing as it was C's first time in RI, I tried to squeeze as much nostalgia as humanly possible into a fairly small window of time. I drove him by the beaches I went to as a kid and showed him the houses we rented for years. Then I dragged him to the St. Patrick's day parade in downtown Newport. It was great, like it is every year. I have a real weakness for bagpipes and fifes and drums, probably as a result of my Irishness. I'm not sure C feels the same way, considering Italians aren't really big on the fifes and bagpipes. There were also dancing lobsters though, and who doesn't enjoy that?
Next up was the tourist-y section of our day. We drove down Bellevue Avenue and checked out the mansions, took the Ocean Drive and the Cliff Walk, and finished up with Purgatory Chasm and some beautiful views from the cliffs of Second Beach. It was freaking freezing, but still beautiful.
All in all it was a great weekend, and I'm looking forward to going back when the weather is nice and C can fish for the much-talked-about Rainbow Trout. Apparently he's convinced that the rocky shores of Brenton Point are sure to bring him the mother lode.