Friday, April 1, 2011


I had an appointment with my doctor today to talk to him about quitting smoking.  I'm just like a commercial!  We had a nice chat and I explained my concerns about my pre-existing anxiety making the withdrawal worse.  Apparently, I'm not that crazy for thinking that.  He wrote me a prescription (not for Chantix, that stuff scares the crap out of me) that I need to take for 2 weeks before I stop smoking completely.  He told me to taper off and let the meds build up in my system.  It's still not going to be easy, but supposedly I won't feel like I'm having a nervous breakdown.  So that's good.

Also discovered at the doctor's office?  I've lost 12 lbs. since December! 

1 comment:

  1. You can rock this. I smoked for 15 years, and I quit with the patch. Gum, exercising, and are the things that really saved my ass. As cheesy as it is, when you get a craving, just remember to breath, think positive thoughts and let it pass. I'm here for ya! xoxox
