Wednesday, March 21, 2012


As I've mentioned before, my boss is a gambler.  Today, we were discussing our brackets and how we were doing, when he started asking me if I was picking with points or just straight win/loss.  When I told him win/loss, he started in on how that was no fun.  Then he got serious-face and told me that for this weekend's games, if I wanted, he would be my bookie.  Because he's hardcore, he told me that while it was all friendly, he would still be taking a vig*.   Of course I said hell yes.

So he sent me out to get the NY Post to get the point spreads on the games.  I made my picks ($5 per game, I'm no dummy) and we're all set.

Shortly after this, I was talking to a coworker and saying that I would feel weird taking his money if I win.  He is 82 and my boss, after all.  But then coworker pointed out that if I lose, he would have no problem taking my money.  And this is absolutely true.  So wish me luck!

* For those unfamiliar, a vig is how bookies make money.  It's 10% of the total bet, and win or lose, you pay it.  So if I bet $100, I'm really betting $110.  And if I win, I only get $100, the bookie keeps the $10.

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