Thursday, April 21, 2011


It's been a long time. That's because I've been so incredibly busy quitting smoking and going to the gym! Now the gym thing isn't new, but the quitting smoking is. As of right now, I have been a non-smoker for exactly 7 days, 21 hours, and 14 minutes. I've saved $56.00. It's pretty great. There are still moments where I reflexively reach for a cigarette, but the actual physical cravings are gone. It's all mental at this point.
I've also upped my gym attendance because I'm petrified of reversing any progress I made there over the past few months as well as gaining weight due to quitting smoking. I absolutely refuse to let that happen. I'm trying desperately to transfer my addiction to working out, but I don't think I'll ever be that person.
There is one bad thing about not smoking anymore.  I'm sick.  Apparently this is not unusual amongst the recently quit.  There's lots of medical reasons for this that are too long and boring to get into, but it's kind of infuriating.  I make a conscious decision to live a healthier life, and as a result I get sick.  Now I know that it's my fault for smoking in the first place, but let me have my rage, OK?

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