I'm no media or pop culture expert (but she is!), but I have to talk about the crazy that is Charlie Sheen.
At first, I was disgusted that someone who is so obviously in the throes of some kind of mental breakdown was being exploited so gratuitously. But then I thought, fuck it. He's not being exploited, he's exploiting himself. He is most certainly not a victim. This is some crazy, hilarious (and yes, sometimes a little scary and disturbing) shit. Is he serious? Or is this some kind of joke he's playing on all of us with himself as the punchline? All I know is that the man is everywhere, and it seems that that's his choice.
Then this morning something happened that made me disgusted all over again. I saw video of his children being taken away in the middle of the night. His 23-month old sons, taken away in their little footie pajamas. I'm not saying whether they should or shouldn't have been taken away from him; I just know that it's a horrible situation and that it's definitely not something that should have been immortalized by the paparazzi. I forgot that this guy is not just some crazy d-bag who's impossible to look away from. He's the father of 5 kids, 4 of whom are essentially babies. I think we should all look away now.
On a lighter note, you might have noticed the blog looks a little different today.
Knowing absolutely nothing about html code or website building myself, sister sassy flew in to the rescue and jazzed this here blog up.
Amen. Let us avert our eyes from now on.
ReplyDeletebut focus on this:
I saw that this morning, and it is pretty awesome. The guilt!!